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Member news

Keep up to date with our regular articles to help you get the most out of your membership

  • Set your communications preferences

    Check your email address is correct so we can keep in touch (use a personal email so we can help you keep on top of your pension if you change jobs or retire)

  • Helping you plan for the October contribution rise

    We wanted to remind you that your contributions are still set to go up this October, so you can take some time to plan and budget.

  • Why the State Pension isn't enough for a comfortable retirement

    On its own, it's likely to fall short of what you’ll need.

  • Your pension and the part we play

    It’s our job to look after the money that you and your employer pay into your pension, in trust for the people who will benefit from it: you and your beneficiaries.

  • Making progress with UUK's proposals

    An update on the 2020 valuation.

  • Valuation update for our members

    UUK has completed a consultation with employers on options to address the scheme’s funding challenges. These options include your employers giving more commitment and financial backing to USS and possible changes to future benefits. We’re now looking at how this may impact contributions.

  • Valuation update for our members

    The JNC is now considering the information we shared about the costs of funding USS, and UUK is consulting with employers.

  • How investments are helping to connect people

    Find out more about our recent investment in G.Network.

  • Important changes to fees in the Investment Builder

    Fees for members invested in the USS Emerging Markets Equity Fund have reduced.

  • There's more to property investing than buying and selling

    Find out why it’s generally seen as an attractive, long-term investment.

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