Retirement Income Builder

What you pay in and what you get
You and your employer contribute on your salary up to the salary threshold, and you get tax relief on what you put in. You’ll build up benefits each year, which give you a guaranteed income for life and a one-off cash lump sum when you retire, as well as other benefits, like life cover and ill health cover.
Watch our video on how you build benefits in this part.

Which part you're in
Every single one of our members builds benefits here. So, if you’re paying in, you’ll be building Retirement Income Builder benefits each year.

When and how you can take them
There are different things you can access depending on your age. You can start taking your Retirement Income Builder benefits in full from the Normal Pension Age (NPA). You can take them earlier than this, but your benefits will normally be reduced as they’ll be paid out for longer.
See your options at different ages and stages to find out more. And to see the various ways you can take your money, visit taking your benefits and savings.

How they’re invested
USS Investment Management Limited provides in-house investment management and advisory services. Investing responsibly forms a big part of what it does to protect and enhance the value of our investments for the long-term.