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Contacting the Corporate affairs team

    • For urgent enquiries outside of office hours, you can also call 0151 556 0769

Meet your Corporate affairs team

  • Richard Williams

    Richard leads the Corporate Affairs team, coordinating and leading USS’s work to engage with the media, Government and others.

  • Joel Sawyer

    Joel is the first point of contact for most media enquiries. He focuses on USS corporate issues such as the valuation process.
  • Alexandra Bradshaw

    Alex covers our investment communications, working closely with USSIM (this includes our private market assets and our Net Zero journey).

  • Samantha Wilding

    Sam leads on USS’s engagement with Westminster and Whitehall, and coordinates our annual responsible investment reporting.

Latest news

  • USS picks Procentia’s pension platform

    Universities Superannuation Scheme Limited – the UK’s largest private defined benefit pension scheme by assets – will be moving to Procentia’s pensions administration platform after signing a seven-year contract with the award-winning service provider.

  • Thames Water: a update on our investment

    You may have seen the recent media coverage concerning shareholder funding for Thames Water. This followed regulatory announcements made by Thames Water and Kemble on Thursday 28 March 2024. I want to reassure that this will have no significant or material impact on USS's funding position or the security of our members’ promised pensions.

  • Professor Adam Tickell appointed to USS Board

    Universities Superannuation Scheme Limited – the trustee of the UK’s largest private pension scheme by way of assets – is pleased to announce that Professor Adam Tickell will join its board as a Universities UK (UUK)-appointed non-executive director on 1 April 2024.

Views from USS

  • USS is a Universal Owner – but what does that mean?

    Universal Ownership is the concept that institutional investors (like major pension funds) hold such large, diversified portfolios that they represent a slice of the entire market or economy. Essentially, they own a little bit of everything. Find out what this means for USS.

  • The arc of the covenant

    When taking investment risk to fund the pensions promised to members, we are relying on the scheme’s sponsors – its participating employers – to effectively underwrite that risk.

  • Innovating our DC offering for our members

    Building a truly innovative DC product is a vital part of our goal to give members the best possible investment options and access to forward-thinking investment strategies that’ll positively impact the final value of their DC savings when they come to take them. Read about our recent areas of DC innovation from an investment perspective.