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Keep up to date with the latest corporate news from USS

  • USS wins DC Innovation of the Year award

    We’re proud to announce that USS won the DC Innovation of the Year award at the UK Pension Awards 2024 for the Investment Builder – the defined contribution (DC) part of the scheme.

  • USS picks Procentia’s pension platform

    Universities Superannuation Scheme Limited – the UK’s largest private defined benefit pension scheme by assets – will be moving to Procentia’s pensions administration platform after signing a seven-year contract with the award-winning service provider.

  • Thames Water: an update on our investment

    You may have seen the recent media coverage concerning shareholder funding for Thames Water. This followed regulatory announcements made by Thames Water and Kemble on Thursday 28 March 2024. I want to reassure that this will have no significant or material impact on USS's funding position or the security of our members’ promised pensions.

  • Professor Adam Tickell appointed to USS Board

    Universities Superannuation Scheme Limited – the trustee of the UK’s largest private pension scheme by way of assets – is pleased to announce that Professor Adam Tickell will join its board as a Universities UK (UUK)-appointed non-executive director on 1 April 2024.

  • Dame Kate Barker re-appointed as Chair

    Dame Kate Barker has been re-appointed Chair of the USS Board for a further four years (to 31 March 2028).

  • An update on our investment in Thames Water

    The challenges facing Thames Water are the manifestation of historic under-investment over multiple decades and, more recently, the significant financial impact of soaring energy prices and other inflationary cost pressures. However, we have given our backing to Thames Water’s latest business plan.

  • Two new appointments to the USS Investment Management Limited Board

    Universities Superannuation Scheme Limited (or USS) – the trustee of one of the largest pension schemes in the UK – is delighted to announce the appointment of Bronte Somes and Richard Metcalf as two new non-executive directors to the USS Investment Management Limited (USSIM) Board.

  • Victoria Timlin appointed to USS Investment Management Limited Board

    Universities Superannuation Scheme Limited (or USS) – the trustee of one of the largest pension schemes in the UK – is delighted to announce Victoria Timlin’s upcoming appointment as a new director to the USS Investment Management Limited (USSIM) Board.

  • The 2023 USS Institutions' Meeting

    Our annual Institutions’ Meeting was held on Thursday 30 November at the Royal College of Physicians in London.

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