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The employer consultation is live

Have your say!

The employer consultation is your opportunity to tell employers what you think about the JNC’s proposed changes to the scheme. If implemented, these changes would impact your benefits when you retire.

The employer consultation

The employer consultation opened on 1 November 2021 and you should have received an email or written notice from your employer which outlines the changes and directs you to the consultation website.

The consultation website has more details on the background to the consultation, the proposed changes and a modeller to help you see how your pension would change if the proposals are implemented.

By visiting the website, you can have your say and tell employers what you think of the JNC’s proposed changes.

How to have your say

You have until 5pm on 17 January 2022 to share your views. You’ll need your member number and National Insurance number to log in. If you’re new to USS, and don’t have your member number yet, you’ll still be able to register on the website and leave your response.

Key Dates

1 November 2021
Consultation start date.

December 2021
Incoming responses will be considered and an interim update will be provided to the JNC.

17 January 2022
Consultation end date.

January to February 2022
All responses submitted via the consultation website during the consultation period will be considered before any final decision is made and implemented.

From February 2022
The final position will be communicated to affected employees, elected representatives and recognised trade unions.

1 April 2022
The earliest possible date that any changes would be implemented.

Published: 16 November 2021

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