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  • Publication of the Joint Expert Panel’s second report

    The Joint Expert Panel (JEP) assembled by UUK and UCU has published its second report looking at approaches and recommendations for future scheme valuations.

  • In Memoriam - Dave Guppy

    Everyone in USS is deeply saddened to learn that Dave Guppy, a UCU appointee to the USS board, died suddenly on Tuesday 3 December. He served the scheme for two periods as trustee, and contributed hugely to the board and to USS. We extend our sincere condolences to his partner Aine and his family. Professor Sir David Eastwood, Dr Steve Wharton and Bill Galvin opened this year’s USS Institutions' Meeting by paying tribute to Dave Guppy.

  • Rising to the challenges

    Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) has continued to deliver good outcomes for members and employers in challenging conditions, according to its annual report published today. Despite volatile market conditions, the Retirement Income Builder (the defined benefit element of the scheme) grew by £3.8bn to £67.4bn over the financial year to end March, taking growth over the last five years to £26bn.

  • USS appoints Simon Pilcher as Chief Executive of Investment Management

    Universities Superannuation Scheme – the UK’s largest private pension scheme by way of assets – has appointed Simon Pilcher as the new Chief Executive Officer of its Investment Management business.

  • USS becomes first hybrid pension scheme to secure Master Trust approval

    USS has been confirmed as a Master Trust, reflecting the high standards that are being met by the trustee in running the scheme on behalf of universities and in protecting members’ benefits.

  • USS appoints new Chief Pensions Officer

    Universities Superannuation Scheme – the UK’s largest private pension scheme by way of assets – has appointed a new Chief Pensions Officer.

  • Shell announces new climate change policy following collaboration with leading investors

    Back in May, USS was one of 60 global investors representing more than $10 trillion in assets, who signed an open letter calling on the oil and gas industry to improve transparency on their plans to tackle climate change. USS also participates in the Carbon Action 100+, a global collaboration between investors engaging with the world’s largest carbon emitters to encourage them to address climate change.

  • A year of contrasts for USS

    Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) outperformed it strategic investment benchmarks in the last financial year, according to its annual report published today. The assets of the DB section of the scheme (the USS Retirement Income Builder) grew by £3.6bn to £63.6bn in 17/18, taking its growth in the five years to 31 March 2018 to £25bn.

  • ATP, USS and GT Fund / CNIC complete the acquisition of Redexis Gas

    MADRID - 20 June 2018 - Redexis Gas, a leading company specialising in natural gas distribution and transmission as well as liquefied petroleum gas distribution and supply in Spain, announced today that ATP, USS and GT Fund, jointly with CNIC, have completed the acquisition of 50.1% of Redexis Gas from GSIP.

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