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  • JNC appoints new Chair

    Sir Andrew Cubie has retired as Chair of USS’s Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC). He will be succeeded by Judith Fish of Dalriada Trustees Limited, an Accredited Professional Trustee and Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries who has more than 25 years’ experience working in pensions as a scheme actuary, corporate adviser, employer and as a trustee.

  • USS appoints Lindsey Matthews as Chief Risk Officer

    Universities Superannuation Scheme Limited – the trustee of the UK’s largest private pension scheme by way of assets – has appointed Lindsey Matthews to the Group Executive Team, as the new Chief Risk Officer. Subject to regulatory approval, he will take up the role on 21 September.

  • USS to make first divestments after long-term investment review

    USS Investment Management Limited, acting on behalf of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (‘USS’) – the UK’s largest private pension scheme by way of assets – has today announced plans to exclude and, where necessary, divest, from companies in sectors that have been deemed financially unsuitable for the pension scheme over the long-term.

  • Investors welcome net zero emissions commitment agreed with Shell

    Global energy company Shell has committed to take significant additional action on climate change, including a commitment to achieve net zero emissions. This is the outcome of engagement with investors as part of Climate Action 100+, led by the Church of England Pension Board and Robeco with the support of other investors, including USS and APG on behalf of ABP, among others.

  • USS discusses approach for 2020 valuation

    Universities Superannuation Scheme has today issued a technical discussion document to its sponsoring employers. It marks the start of a six-week phase of engagement with employers on the 2020 valuation, which will be based on a ‘snapshot’ of the Scheme’s funding position on 31 March 2020.

  • Joint statement by USS and other global pension schemes on the importance of sustainable growth

    USS, alongside Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) and the California State Teachers’ Retirement Scheme (CalSTRS) released a statement emphasising our commitment to long-term investing and ESG.

  • USS Investment Management announces developed equity markets implementation change

    USS Investment Management, the wholly-owned investment management arm of the Universities Superannuation Scheme, has announced a plan to reshape its developed equity markets away from traditional stock-picking and towards a longer-term thematic approach which better leverages its internal investment capabilities in matching its pension liabilities.

  • USS becomes one of first UK pension schemes to enable defined contribution members to access private markets assets

    Universities Superannuation Scheme – the UK’s largest private pension scheme by way of assets – has become one of the first schemes of its kind to enable members of its Defined Contribution (DC) “Investment Builder” funds to enjoy the benefits of its “private markets” investments.

  • USS appoints Dame Kate Barker as Chair-elect

    The Dame Katharine (Kate) Barker will become Chair of the country’s largest private pension scheme later this year, when Professor Sir David Eastwood retires from the USS Trustee Board.

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