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6 July 2020

JNC appoints new Chair

Sir Andrew Cubie has retired as Chair of USS’s Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC).

He will be succeeded by Judith Fish of Dalriada Trustees Limited, an Accredited Professional Trustee and Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries who has more than 25 years’ experience working in pensions as a scheme actuary, corporate adviser, employer and as a trustee.

Sir Andrew, 73, informed the JNC in October of his intention to retire.

The JNC has a crucial role in the good governance of USS. It is made up of an equal number of University and College Union (UCU) and Universities UK (UUK) representatives. An independent Chair is appointed by the committee itself.

Professor Sir David Eastwood, Chair of the USS Board, said:

“In welcoming Judith, we thank Sir Andrew for his indefatigable diplomacy, diligence, and dedication to serving the Scheme and its beneficiaries.

“Andrew’s calm and conscientious approach to facilitating what, at times, have understandably been challenging stakeholder discussions has been of immeasurable importance."