What are UFPLS?
You could take all or part of your DC savings as cash payments, also known as UFPLS, when you reach the minimum pension age. Watch the video to find out more.
You could take all or part of your DC savings as cash payments, also known as UFPLS, when you reach the minimum pension age. Watch the video to find out more.
Hear Pete Wallwork, Head of Proposition at USS, discuss the features of your hybrid scheme, how the two parts work together and the different ways the Investment Builder could work for you in our latest podcast.
Get the lowdown from the people behind your pension and find out what they think you need to do to get the most from your membership.
Watch our video about how to make the most of My USS - your online portal.
Watch our video to find out what you need do to manage your hybrid pension and make the most of your savings for the future.
Watch our Looking after loved ones video that explains your benefits as a member in more detail should the worst happen.
Find out what happens when you start paying into the defined contribution part of USS.
Watch our video to find out about the two different parts of USS, where your money goes, and learn what investment decisions you have if you’ve got Investment Builder savings.
An annuity gives you a regular guaranteed retirement income for the rest of your life. Watch the video to find out more.
Flexible retirement income, also known as flexi-access drawdown or just drawdown, is a way of taking money out of your DC pot to live on in later life. Watch the video to find out more.
Find out what we do with your money after you contribute to USS. The people behind your pension talk you through how it works, what we do with your contributions and what you need to do to manage your pension.
As well as watching the webinars live, you can also watch recordings of webinars that have already taken place. Just choose the webinar you want to watch below.
Here’s your chance to catch up on our latest webinar where you’ll hear from USSIM's Head of Strategic Equities – Innes McKeand and Head of Responsible Investment - David Russell. They talk about why climate change matters for investments, what Net Zero is and how they’re planning to achieve our Net Zero ambition, and of course what this means for members.
This session looks at the key features of the Investment Builder (the defined contribution or DC section of USS), how you can build up savings and how you can take your Investment Builder savings. So whether you’ve recently started to save in the Investment Builder, or have been doing so for a while and just want to know more, make sure you register now and join the webinar.
This session covers topics that anyone in USS or looking to join USS may find useful, including: an overview of your benefits in USS, how USS works and how your benefits build up, what your options on retirement are, life events that can affect your pension, what benefits are payable to your loved ones when you die, and what all that means for you.
Here in Liverpool we run a large scale operation that’s responsible for managing pensions for over 500,000 members and their families. We’re here to ensure we deliver on our promise to members.
Here in London, we’re responsible for the investment side of pensions for over 500,000 of our members and their families. We have a statutory duty to invest our members' contributions for them.
Watch our quick run-through of the key takeaways from our latest Report and Accounts.