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Views from USS

Latest insights and commentary on current and emerging pension topics written by staff at USS and USS Investment Management Ltd

  • First reflections on USS, by Dame Kate Barker

    In September I took over as Chair of USS during an extraordinary time for the scheme. Not only in the midst of a valuation, but also sharply aware of the unprecedented pressure on Higher Education from the pandemic. It was certainly not an ideal backdrop.

  • USS's response to the TPR's defined benefit Code of Practice consultation

    This paper sets out the USS trustee’s view on the proposed defined benefit Code of Practice, as set out in the Regulator’s consultation document dated March 2020.

  • USS Investment Management update - August 2020

    Since the dramatic market falls in March as a result of Covid-19, risk assets such as equities have held up remarkably well despite continued uncertainty over the economic impact of the virus.

  • USS makes first investment in shared housing

    USS has made its first investment in shared ownership housing. Ben Levenstein, Head of Private Credit, USS Investment Management, explains why.

  • USS Investment update - Scenarios post-virus

    As the world turns from shut down to recovery, Mirko Cardinale, Head of Investment Strategy & Advice at USS Investment Management, thinks about what the future might look like.

  • USS Investment update - Focus on fixed income

    I joined USS Investment Management at the start of the year from BlackRock, in order to build on some of the great work that had already been done in our fixed income business area. This part of our portfolio, which includes all fixed income, treasury and trading is focussed on classes of investments which are well-suited to a pension scheme as they provide more certain and secure returns, while matching some of the risks associated with our liabilities.

  • USS Investment update - Managing the impact of Covid-19

    The last few weeks have witnessed the biggest stockmarket crash since 2008 and the difficult news keeps coming. Leisure industries are being hit hard and small businesses and more financially leveraged businesses will suffer. Following several years of relatively benign conditions, 2020 has changed that course in a dramatic way.

  • Lower for Longer - the investment outlook

    What might the investment outlook look like for the next decade and beyond? Mirko Cardinale, Head of Investment Strategy and Advice, at USS Investment Management’s explains how our active approach to managing the global decline in investment returns ensures that we remain alive to both the risks and opportunities available.

  • USS Institutions' Meeting 2019

    We held our annual Institutions’ Meeting on 4 December. The meeting provides us with an opportunity to formally update our sponsoring employers on how we’ve performed, the work we are doing to improve the services we provide, and our perspective on how we can deliver on our mission: to work with Higher Education employers to build a secure financial future for our members and their families.

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