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Views from USS

Latest insights and commentary on current and emerging pension topics written by staff at USS and USS Investment Management Ltd

  • Update on some exciting new changes to the Investment Builder

    The ability to innovate is one of the key benefits of an internal team and we take this seriously as we strive to create the best possible products for our members.

  • USS Investment Management Update - February 2021

    Changes made to the our asset allocation before, and during the pandemic, made a positive impact on performance as we continued to build on our liability-matching capability.

  • January fixed income and treasury update

    While investors may have made the most of the “Biden bounce”, the rapid “V-shaped” economic recovery which has already been priced into many economic models, still seems some way off.

  • USS Institutions Meeting 2020

    We held our annual Institutions’ Meeting on Thursday 10 December 2020. The ‘virtual’ meeting provided us with an opportunity to update our sponsoring employers on how we’ve performed, the work we are doing to improve the services we provide, and our perspective on how we can deliver on our mission: to work with Higher Education employers to build a secure financial future for our members and their families.

  • USS Investment Management update - December 2020

    Simon Pilcher, CEO of USS Investment Management, takes a look back on the year and a look forward to 2021.

  • USS has announced a major investment in the fast-growing London-based broadband company, G.Network

    According to recent data, the UK is languishing at number 47 in the global speed league for broadband. It matters for many reasons – education, leisure and work to name but a few and for USS presents an excellent investment opportunity.

  • USS Investment Management Update - October 2020

    As we look forward, the final quarter of 2020 looks to be one of the most challenging in recent history. With the looming US election poised to be highly contested, a potential cliff-hanger Brexit deadline and a global pandemic still unfolding, calling the future direction of the global economy and financial markets is at its most difficult.

  • First reflections on USS, by Dame Kate Barker

    In September I took over as Chair of USS during an extraordinary time for the scheme. Not only in the midst of a valuation, but also sharply aware of the unprecedented pressure on Higher Education from the pandemic. It was certainly not an ideal backdrop.

  • USS's response to the TPR's defined benefit Code of Practice consultation

    This paper sets out the USS trustee’s view on the proposed defined benefit Code of Practice, as set out in the Regulator’s consultation document dated March 2020.

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