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Showing results for: "Valuation"

  • Valuation update for our members

    Read about the next steps in the latest update on the 2020 valuation.

  • 2020 valuation - consulting with UUK

    As part of the 2020 valuation, we’ll start a formal consultation with Universities UK (UUK) next week. It’s called the Technical Provisions consultation, and it will set out some proposals based on our work on the valuation methodology so far.

  • Valuation update for our members

    Read about the latest update on the 2020 valuation.

  • 2020 valuation video

    With the 2020 valuation providing a snapshot of our financial position as at 31 March 2020, market conditions are likely to paint a more negative picture than was anticipated before the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Update on COVID-19 and the valuation

    Watch the videos that answer your questions and provide more information on how we’re responding to COVID-19 and on the 2020 valuation.

  • 2020 valuation

    Find out about the 2020 valuation, and a webinar that will bring you more details about how we calculate what contributions we’ll need from members and employers.

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