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Update on COVID-19 and the valuation

Watch the videos that answer your questions and provide more information on how we’re responding to COVID-19 and on the 2020 valuation

With most of the USS team working from home, we’ve replaced the 9 April webinar with two short videos. In them, we provide information and answer the questions you submitted on how the current situation affects USS and your benefits, and give you an update on the 2020 valuation.

Video 1: COVID-19 and your USS pension

The virus and its economic consequences are a challenge, but USS is still working, paying pensions, collecting contributions and keeping your Retirement Income Builder benefits secure.

Video 2: The 2020 valuation

In common with our peers, we are dealing with very challenging short-term conditions – but any decisions we take now should be consistent with our long-term strategy to secure members’ benefits and protect the sustainability of the scheme.

Further Information