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Showing results for: "Our investments"

  • UK Equity Fund benchmark change

    We’re changing the way we track returns in the UK Equity Fund, so you’ll get a clearer view of how it’s performing against the benchmark.

  • Changes to help you achieve your goals

    We’re changing how we report on the USS Growth Funds in the Investment Builder.

  • Webinar: Our journey to Net Zero

    Hear directly from our investment experts in our latest webinar.

  • What’s ESG?

    ESG – Environmental, social and governance criteria underpin how we assess the impact of an investment and the way companies we invest in are run.

  • Your positive impact on climate change

    USS has made and continues to make significant commitments to reduce climate change. We’re aiming to be Net Zero for our investments by 2050, if not before. We’ve invested £200m in Bruc Energy, a Spanish solar energy platform. We have over £1.9bn either invested or committed to renewables.

  • Where your money goes

    Watch our two-minute video to find out about the two different parts of USS, where your money goes, and learn what investment decisions you have if you’ve got Investment Builder savings.

  • The investment journey

    The steps we take when making a Direct Equity investment and how we choose the right businesses to invest your contributions.

  • Five years of the Investment Builder

    We launched the Investment Builder, the defined contribution part of USS, in October 2016. Five years on, we look at five key facts that are helping you to prepare for your future in a way that fits in with your values and beliefs.

  • Investing ethically: a podcast with our experts

    Hear from our investment experts on how we invest ethically.

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