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Last chance to have your say on proposed changes to USS

The employer consultation is closing soon

If you haven’t already, you’ve got until 5pm on the 17 January 2022 to share your views on proposed changes to the scheme.

You can do this by responding to the statutory employer consultation.

If implemented, the changes would impact the USS benefits you build up from 1 April 2022. Benefits built up before 1 April 2022 will not be affected.

The employer consultation is your opportunity to give your views. All comments submitted by the deadline will be considered before a decision is taken on whether the proposals will be implemented.

Before you respond

  1. Read the email or written notice your employer has sent you. This details the proposed changes.
  2. Watch our latest videos to understand how your USS pension currently works and what you get at the moment.
  3. Read more about the proposed changes on the consultation website.
  4. Use the modeller on the consultation website to see how your benefits might be impacted, if the proposals are implemented.

How to respond

Visit the consultation website and share your views before 5pm on the 17 January 2022.

You’ll need your member number and National Insurance number to login. If you’re new to USS, and don’t have your member number yet, you’ll still be able to register on the website and leave your response. All responses will be anonymous, unless you want your details to be shown.

What's next?

  • All the responses submitted during the consultation period will be considered by the trustee before a decision is taken on whether to implement them or not.*

  • We’ll let you know what decision has been made.

  • The earliest date any agreed changes or the fall-back position will take effect. These changes will only affect benefits built up from this date.

*This decision needs to be made and executed by the 28 February 2022 to be ready for 1 April 2022. If this doesn’t happen, then a fall-back position would apply. This fall-back position would instead see contribution rates increase every six months from 1 April 2022. You can find out more about this on the consultation website.

  • Set your communications preferences

    Remember to log in to My USS to set your preferences and stay up to date.