The webinars are provided by Mercer not by USS and USS is not responsible for them. USS’s role is limited to signposting members to independent third-party services provided by Mercer. USS will not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with your use of any of the services provided by Mercer and/or your failure to access the services (including any guidance, advice or recommendation that Mercer may give you). USS are also not in any way responsible for the content of Mercer’s website or the webinars that are linked to above.
Before using the guidance and/or advice services (including the webinars) you should consider if they are appropriate for your needs and you should look at the Other sources of guidance on our guidance and financial advice page. There is no obligation for you to use the services provided by Mercer. You can obtain financial guidance or advice from your usual financial adviser (if you have one) or other appropriately qualified and authorised firm.
USS may withdraw or suspend any of the services provided by Mercer at any time without prior warning to members and users of these services.