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Views from USS

Latest insights and commentary on current and emerging pension topics written by staff at USS and USS Investment Management Ltd

  • 2017 valuation funding review: the challenges

    The current USS valuation is challenging. The issues we have had to address are not unique to us, or the Higher Education sector. They are much broader issues about future economic growth, future investment returns, and how they influence the ability of employers to underwrite pension promises.

  • USS Investment Builder: the first year

    In October 2016, USS launched USS Investment Builder, the new defined contribution section of the scheme. One year on, we take a look at how it has performed, and how our members feel about it.

  • Protecting Pensions

    Guy Coughlan - Chief Risk Officer In order to put a price on providing a promised £1 of pension for each year in retirement through the USS Retirement Income Builder, we’re effectively trying to predict the future.

  • Investment challenges: the facts

    Much has been written about USS’s investment performance recently, with some suggesting it is the reason the scheme is facing some difficult decisions – so I want to set out some facts to address this.

  • How decisions are made on future pensions for USS

    USS is the biggest pension plan in the UK by assets. Nevertheless, we are not immune to the substantial challenges of manufacturing retirement income in a world where the future looks more uncertain; these are well rehearsed, both for individuals and for scheme sponsors.

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