Our influence in the companies we invest in
How we work with the companies we invest in, to ensure we can pay members’ pensions into the future.
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Showing results for: "Our investments"
How we work with the companies we invest in, to ensure we can pay members’ pensions into the future.
Making responsible investment decisions supports our ambition to be a long-term investor, so we can pay you the pension you’ve earned in the future. We really believe that the way companies manage their environmental and social risks, like their approach to climate change, will impact the long-term financial returns that it’ll generate.
Find out more about our recent investment in G.Network.
Fees for members invested in the USS Emerging Markets Equity Fund have reduced.
Find out why it’s generally seen as an attractive, long-term investment.
Find out about changes to the Investment Builder that might impact you.
See USS Investment Management CEO Simon Pilcher’s reflections of 2020.
Read about why we’re celebrating the fourth birthday of the Investment Builder, despite the challenging conditions.
2020 has been a year of uncertainty in many ways, but one thing that remains certain is our commitment to our members.