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Looking after your loved ones

Providing for your loved ones when you pass away is always going to be a worry

As long as you’re paying in to USS, you get life cover and other benefits that will help take care of your loved ones should the worst happen. They may be able to get a lump sum of three times your salary and your partner and any eligible children may also get a pension too.

Tell us who you would like to receive your benefits by updating your beneficiaries and your dependants in the my details section of My USS.

Even if you’ve already completed this in My USS, you should review your choices at least every three years, especially when key life events occur, to make sure they still meet the needs of your family.

"I would like to express gratitude towards the USS for the way my daughter and I have been treated with respect and consideration after my husband passed away as USS member, and for the generous and helpful lump sum and pension we both received. This made a terrible loss and difficult times much easier from a financial point of view."

Find out more about how your USS membership could support your loved ones. You can also watch our Looking after loved ones video that explains your benefits as a member in more detail should the worst happen.

Video transcript

Published: 15 November 2022

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