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Member Voice: listening to you

A vital way that we find out what USS members think and want, is through Member Voice.

Member Voice is an online forum where you can give us your views, test new ideas, and help make our communications and services as member-friendly as possible.

We have a fantastic panel of members, but the forum is growing, and we need your voice too. Once you’ve joined, every time you take part in a panel, we’ll enter you into a monthly prize draw to say thank you*.

You don’t need to know anything about pensions: we want real people, not experts! We especially want to hear from young or new members. If you’ve recently joined USS, what do you think of it? How was the latest webinar? What would you like to see on our website?

You’re also welcome if you’ve been a member for a while, whether or not you’re still making pension contributions. We’ll soon be testing new pension modellers, so come and see if they work for you and let us know what you want from them.

We’ve just upgraded Member Voice so it’s easier to use. And as well as specific discussions and surveys, there’s The Lounge - a place for you to chat with other members about anything you like.

Member Voice is run by our research partner, so it’s independent and confidential. USS won’t receive any personal data without your explicit consent.

Member Voice really does make a difference to how USS develops and improves, so if you want to get involved, join Member Voice.

*More information about prize draw eligibility will be given to members by our research partner, after you’ve joined.

Published: 26 August 2021

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