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Make your pension work better for you with guidance and financial advice

There’s a lot to think about, when it comes to planning for your future, but as a USS member you can access guidance provided by Mercer and if you need it, financial advice


Alongside all of our other online resources, you can now get guidance from Mercer, in the form of webinars that are free for USS members.

The webinars cover a range of subjects to help you understand and make the most of your USS pension, and build pension planning into your wider financial aims.

Financial advice

If you need more support, you can speak to a financial adviser regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, who will look at your individual circumstances and your financial needs and aspirations, to come up with recommendations to help you get where you want to be. You will usually have to pay for financial advice.

What to do next

To find out more about the guidance and advice available to you, visit the guidance and financial advice page.