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Your Normal Pension Age is changing

What does this mean for you?

On 6 October 2020, the USS Normal Pension Age will rise from 65 to 66. This means, if you’re retiring after that date, you’ll need to be 66 before you receive your Retirement Income Builder benefits in full.

We’re increasing the Normal Pension Age in line with the government’s increase in the State Pension age, which will also take place on 6 October.

If you don’t want to wait until you’re 66, you still have the option to take early retirement in USS, but there may be a reduction in the benefits you receive from the Retirement Income Builder. The further from your 66th birthday, the greater the reduction is likely to be.

Not sure how the changes to the Normal Pension Age will affect you? Here are answers to the questions we get asked most.

Frequently asked questions

Published: 14 September 2020

Useful information

Find out more about the Retirement Income Builder

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Find out more about retiring as a USS member

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