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Financial planning - how to maximise your finances

See how you can maximise your finances – read some top tips for financial planning and consider your short, medium and long term savings goals

Financial planning may sound daunting, but time spent focusing on your finances today could be very valuable later down the line.

It’s like planning a journey – where you’re going and how you’re going to get there. It’s taking a look at what you’ve got now, what you want in the future and putting a plan in place achieve it.

Start by identifying your savings goals, then break them down into short, medium and long-term. You can then assess your current situation and see how far you are from these goals, and finally put a plan in place to achieve them.

Your financial plan should be ever-evolving, as your goals will change as your life changes.

Short-term goals

What you plan to do within the next year, perhaps a holiday, redecorate or treat yourself to something new.

Medium-term goals

What you plan to do in the next five years, like buy a new car, buy a new home, get married or have a child.

Long-term goals

What you plan to do in five years or more, maybe climb the property ladder, support your growing family or retire.

Select the right age bracket for you below for our top saving tips for different life stages:

Useful tools

Published: 25 July 2019