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  • USS makes the pledge on pension scams

    Universities Superannuation Scheme, the UK’s largest private pension scheme by assets, has officially made The Pensions Regulator’s (TPR) pledge to adopt industry best practice in preventing scams. The voluntary pledge encourages pension schemes to make a commitment to protecting members’ best interests when it comes to potential scams.

  • Comment on interim monitoring of the 2020 valuation (as at 28 February 2022)

    The latest interim monitoring report provides some positive indicators of the current funding status and contribution requirements of the scheme, as a result of the changes to benefit structure agreed by the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC), and recent market developments.

  • Statement from the trustee on benefit modellers

    The modeller which supported the employer’s consultation with members is available and provides a comprehensive view of the likely impact on USS members’ pensions following the implementation of the JNC’s agreed changes to benefits from 1 April 2022.

  • Joint UCU, UUK and USS statement on the Chair of the Joint Negotiating Committee

    UCU, UUK and the USS trustee understand the strength of feeling surrounding the 2020 valuation. We cannot, however, accept personal attacks and intimidation aimed at the Chair of the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC), whether through social media or other channels. The Independent Chair is appointed by both stakeholders and is a role that requires integrity at all times. We are grateful for the current Chair’s hard work and dedication in seeking to support the JNC, per its responsibilities under the Scheme Rules, through an extremely challenging period.

  • Russia-related investments

    A statement from USS in relation to its Russian-related investments following the invasion of Ukraine.

  • Prospective High Court application

    At a hearing yesterday (Monday, 28 February 2022) in the claim brought by two members of the Universities Superannuation Scheme for a derivative action against the directors of the trustee, the judge ordered a future hearing for both sides to attend to determine whether permission should be given for the claim to proceed. This was after initially refusing to allow even this step when the application was made on the papers.

  • USS announces interim targets to reaching Net Zero ambition

    Universities Superannuation Scheme (“USS”), the UK’s largest private pension scheme by assets under management, is today announcing important interim targets to achieving its ambition to be Net Zero for carbon generated by its investments by 2050, if not before.

  • USS announces new board appointment

    Universities Superannuation Scheme Limited – the trustee of the UK’s largest private pension scheme by way of assets today announces the appointment of Alain Kerneis as a new trustee director.

  • USS makes steps towards Net Zero with carbon reducing investment benchmark

    USS Investment Management, the wholly-owned investment arm of the Universities Superannuation Scheme, today announces its intention to introduce a climate “tilt” to a portion of the Global Developed Markets Equity component of the defined benefit and defined contribution funds held by the scheme. This change will affect over £5bn of assets under management.

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