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2 December 2022

The 2022 Institutions’ Meeting

USS held its latest Institutions’ Meeting recently, giving the scheme’s sponsoring employers the opportunity to hear about the trustee’s performance and priorities, and to ask questions.

Presentations were given by Dame Kate Barker (Chair of the USS Board), Bill Galvin (Group Chief Executive), Simon Pilcher (Chief Executive of USS Investment Management), Helen McEwan (Chief Pensions Officer), Dominic Gibb (Chief Financial Officer), and Mel Duffield (Chief Scheme Strategy and Stakeholder Officer).

Russell Picot (Deputy Chair of the USS Board and Chair of the Investment Committee) chaired a panel discussion on the trustee’s Net Zero ambition, with Innes McKeand (Head of Strategic Equities at USS Investment Management) and David Russell (Head of Responsible Investment at USS Investment Management).

Sarah Bentley (Chief Executive of Thames Water – one of USS’s biggest investments) was our special guest speaker.

We’ve focused on some highlights in the clips below, but you can watch a recording of the full meeting.


Watch the videos below to view the highlights from this years' Institutions' Meeting.