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14 December 2017

USS backs Climate Action 100+

USS is one of 225 investors to sign on to the Climate Action 100+ initiative which launched at the One Planet Summit in Paris on 12 December 2017.

Climate Action 100+ is a five-year initiative led by investors to engage with the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters to improve governance on climate change, curb emissions and strengthen climate-related financial disclosures. To date, 225 investors with more than USD $26.3 trillion in assets under management have signed on to the initiative.

The initiative was presented to 60 Heads of State and a video of the initiative is available here.

Investors participating in the Climate Action 100+ will work with the companies in which they invest to ensure that companies are minimising and disclosing the risks and maximising the opportunities presented by climate change.

Further information on the initiative is available on the Climate Action 100+ website and you can read more about USS’s responsible investment approach here.