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11 May 2017

USS one of over 200 Global investors urging the G7 to stand by Paris agreement

As part of our involvement with Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), of which USS is a founding member, USS has signed a letter which calls on governments to stand by their commitments to the Paris Agreement at their upcoming Summit in Taormina, Italy on 26 – 27 May.

The letter urges them to:

  • Continue to support and implement the Paris Agreement, including the implementation of nationally-determined contributions (NDCs) and 2050 climate plans to achieve the goals of that agreement;
  • Drive investment into the low carbon transition through aligning climate-related policies, phasing out fossil fuel subsidies and including carbon pricing where appropriate;
  • Implement climate-related financial reporting frameworks, including supporting the Financial Stability Board Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures recommendations.

The full letter, briefing paper and accompanying press release is available on the Investment Platform for Climate Actions website.

The letter will remain open for additional sign-up by investors until 30 June 2017. Institutional investors that wish to sign the letter but have not already done so should contact their representative at AIGCC, CDP, Ceres, IGCC, IIGCC or PRI for details.