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I'm paying in to USS

Understand your benefits and savings as you build for your future and get an idea of how life events could affect your pension

Did you know as a USS member you'll get...

  • A guaranteed income for life
    in retirement and a cash lump sum with the Retirement Income Builder

  • Life cover
    to support your family if you die
    whilst paying in

  • Ill health benefits
    if you’re eligible and unable to work

  • A spouse or civil partner's pension
    and in some cases a dependant's pension,
    giving peace of mind that they’ll be looked after

Make the most of your USS membership

While you’re paying in to USS, you’re not only saving for your retirement – you’re also eligible for a range of benefits to help support you and your loved ones.

A reminder of how USS works

Retirement could happen in stages

If you’re approaching or have already reached later working life, it’s important to be aware of the range of choices that could be available to you.

Reading about your options at different ages and stages can help you understand when you can fully or flexibly retire with your Retirement Income Builder benefits, and what it could mean for your pension if you wish to keep working.

If you’ve already flexibly retired and you’re continuing to work and build benefits while receiving a proportion of your USS pension, find out more about your potential next steps on our you’re flexibly retired page.

You also have a range of flexible options to start accessing any Investment Builder savings from the minimum pension age of 55 (rising to 57 in 2028 for some members), even if you haven’t retired. Look at the ways you could use your Investment Builder pot.

Update us on your plans and wishes

As you continue your savings journey, there’s a few things you should keep updated in My USS to prepare you and your loved ones for the future

  • Complete your Expression of Wish form

    While you’re paying in to USS you get life cover to help look after your loved ones if you die.

    Tell us who you’d want to receive a lump sum that may be payable by keeping your Expression of Wish form updated every three years, even if your wishes haven’t changed.

  • Register a potential dependant

    If you’re not married or in a civil partnership, tell us who you’d want to receive the equivalent of a spouse’s pension when you die.

    Keep your Registration of a potential dependant form updated so we can take your wishes into consideration.

  • Set your Target Retirement Age (TRA)

    If you have Investment Builder savings, you’ll need to let us know when you plan to retire so we can help you make sure your investments are in the right place at the right time.

    It’s particularly important if you’re over the age of 50 and in later working life.

Keeping you informed

  • Bust the pensions jargon

    Planning for your future’s tough enough without industry phrases getting in the way. Check out some of the most common.
  • Pension tax changes that might affect you

    The government’s changes may affect your pensions tax liabilities, so there are some things you need to know about.

Help and information when you need it

Keep an eye on our latest member news to stay updated throughout your savings journey.

No matter what stage of your career you’re at, our help & support page also has FAQs which may help to answer any questions you have.