1. Investment return
Realised return:
- Versus required return
- Versus expected returns
Funding measures:
- Probability of technical provisions full-funding
- Evolution of technical provisions funding level
- Evolution of self sufficiency funding level
2. Investment risk
Deficit risk:
- A projection of the scheme's affordability
- Self-sufficient liability hedge ratios
- Asset liability volatility and Value at Risk (95%)
Long-term hedging attributes:
- The contribution from longer-term inflation sensitive assets
3. Active management
Asset allocation:
- Return versus market comparators
Public markets:
- Return over benchmarks
- Information ratio
- Number of mandates to have outperformed
Private markets:
- Return over benchmarks
- Quality and quantity of matching assets originated
- Number of mandates to have outperformed
4. Portfolio Resilience
- The probability of running out of cash
- The probability of running out of collateral
Counterparty risk:
- The probability of losing 0.5% of scheme
- NAV from a counterparty default
5. Responsibility Investment
Net zero ambition:
- An assessment of how USSIM is delivering against the scheme's net zero ambition
ESG integration:
- An assessment of how USSIM is integrating ESG factors (including reporting and stewardship)
6. Investment advice
Investment Committee assessment of USSIM advice:
- The annual Investment Committee advice survey
- A qualitative assessment by the Investment Committee